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Nourish Yo-Self! A Two-Part Nutrition & Wholefoods Workshop

I'll be presenting a two-part nutrition and wholefoods workshop aimed at young ladies 14-18 years of age.

During the workshop, we will cover important foods and nutrients for developing female bodies, moderation, mindful eating and how nutritious & delicious foods can be incorporated into your life in a sustainable way.

To finish we will make five wholefoods recipes and enjoy them together. Take home a nutritious goodie bag and recipes so you can re-create the dishes at home!

Places are limited so please email or phone 027-2569178 to book. Keep your eyes peeled on Facebook for a giveway to win two spots to the workshop for you and a friend over the coming weeks!

Important Details:

Date: Saturday 12th December 2015

Time: 1-4pm

Venue: Whitney Street School Hall

Cost: $60 per person

You will learn...

  • About the foods to eat that will provide the nutrients your body needs to grow, develop and to enjoy all of your youthful energy!

  • Tips to start practicing intuitive eating

  • The importance of moderation

  • Five delicious & nutritious wholefoods recipes ​

To book, please email ​

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