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Fresh Figs Stuffed with Blue Cheese and Walnuts

After a morning of sharing fig recipes with our lovely customers at the Farmers Market I often crave my own advice. So on Sunday after the market I went home and cooked up a blue-cheese-stuffed-fig storm!

There's something quite special about figs, blue cheese, honey and the crunch of toasted walnuts. This dish is so simple but so delicious. It makes a beautiful starter served on a bed of rocket or watercress or equally as a light lunch served with salad and toasted bread.

You can wrap each fig in a piece of prosciutto if you wish, however on this occasion I ate my share of the prosciutto straight out of the packet as I was walking out of the supermarket! Guess why I opted for the vegetarian version? Not to not shop while starving!

Fresh Figs Stuffed with Blue Cheese and Walnuts

Allow 2 figs per person. The below recipe serves 2 people.

  • ​4 fresh figs (I used the Brown Turkey variety)

  • 4 chunks of blue cheese

  • ! Tbspn runny honey

  • 2 Tbspn Extra Virgin Olive Oil

  • Freshly ground black pepper

  • Iodised coarse salt

  • Handful of walnuts

  • 2 handfuls or rocket

  • Toasted bread to serve

  1. Pre-heat the oven to 180°C. Cut the stalks off and cut a cross in the top of each fig.

  2. Place the figs in a shallow oven-proof roasting dish

  3. Open up each fig and place a piece of blue cheese in the middle of each fig

  4. Drizzle the runny honey and olive oil over the figs and season with freshly ground black pepper and iodised salt

  5. Scatter the walnuts over the figs and roast in the oven for around 10-15 minutes until the cheese is gooey, the walnuts are toasted and the figs are warm & soft.

  6. Serve with fresh rocket or watercress and toasted bread



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